XCLNav - About Us
What if your resume can be replaced by a simple score (GES) which can be loaded as an Interactive Graphical Resume and used for career guidance?
We believe that current hiring process based on a resume has many flaws. To name only few, it takes into consideration only the latest position, it does not accurately describe your contribution to the business, it is never providing a clear separation between your experience as a manager and operative, and it is usually accompanied by an online profile such as Linkedin which can be unreliable and incomplete.
Also important, current format makes it very difficult for businesses to automatically search a resume based on complex criteria beyond some key words which can be added intentionally.
We are a startup operating out of eforall incubator, UMass Lowell, MA. Our team of six includes both seasoned veterans with decades in IT, hiring, and fresh graduates with degrees in MBA.
We have been working for over two years on two products both using the same foundation. One is Get GEScore (this site), which is the first personal career development platform that uses simple scoring and a generated interactive Graphical Resume to help job seeker to steady climb in salary, job title, and responsabilities. The second product (soon to be released) is XCLNav , a SaaS online platform for college advisors that uses the same GES/Interactive Graphic Resume combo to teach students the intricate details of various businesses and job positions associated with them. XCLNav for colleges have other features that extends these concepts geyond GES. They encourage students to engage in their efforts to understand the job market since the day one and help college advisors to tracks those efforts. It also enables an advisor-managed network of mentors which are helping students get feedback from the real experience in the job market.
Thanks to EforAll (UMass Lowell) incubator...
With Nick at our office
... I am back for my second startup in the same building
Years ago I co-founded eskill with Eric Friedman and we had our first office in the same Wannalancit Mills building
Our daily meeting... some of us are on Skype
And our signature Interactive Graphic Resume generated from a sample GES score
Our Mission Statement
XCLNav is an organization dedicated to create a standard way to help job seeker to climb in salary, job title, and responsibilities using a simple scoring approach and a sophisticated business framework which is the result of more than a decade of work. This score is calculated based on a targeted career path. The formula takes into account previous companies, projects, roles, and personal achievments. There is a separate score for IT, and for recent college graduates.
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